Team > Anton Sack, M.Eng.

Institute for Water- and Energymanagement, Hof University of Applied Science (iwe)
Cooperative doctorate
of the University of Applied Sciences Hof and the University Bayreuth
Selective catalytic oxidation of residual ammonia for the purification of green hydrogen from ammonia cracking
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Jess, Universität Bayreuth
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Plessing, Hochschule Hof

Institute for Water- and Energymanagement, Hof University of Applied Science (iwe)
- Selective catalytic oxidation of residual ammonia for the purification of green hydrogen from ammonia cracking

Institute for Water- and Energymanagement, Hof University of Applied Science (iwe)
Anton Sack, M.Eng.
Staff Scientist
Alfons Goppel Platz 1
95028 Hof
Phone: +49 (0) 9281 409 – 4598
As well as on Tuesdays and Thursdays: FAN-A 1.08, Phone +49 (0)921 / 55-7438