Research Topics

Hydrocarbons are excellent compounds for chemical energy storage. The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) is one option to carry out this job; in FTS, hydrocarbons are generated from hydrogen and carbon dioxide, which can be used as energy carrier, i.e. fuel....publications on this subject

Heterogeneous catalysis
In heterogeneous catalysis, catalyst and reactants/products are present in different phases allowing an easy separation of products as well as unconverted feed from the catalyst phase. More than 80 % of all chemical products rely on heterogeneous catalysts showing the importance of this form of catalysis for the petrochemical and chemical industry.....publications on this subject

Ionic Liquids
Ionic liquids are a class chemical compounds, exclusively made of ions, having a melting point below 100°C. Their unique physico-chemical properties such as very low vapour pressure, tuneable solubility, and thermal as well as chemical stability make them suitable extraction agents for liquid/ liquid-extraction....publications on this subject

Supported Catalyst with Ionic Liquid Layer (SCILL)
Although catalysts showing high activity as well as selectivity have been developed for numerous chemical relevant reactions in industry, the need for better catalysts in terms of activity and selectivity is still present and, thus, a vivid field in research. SCILL concept can be part of improving catalysts in this way, especially selectivity. The inner surface of a porous fixed-bed catalyst is coated with a thin layer of ionic liquid. This modification of the catalyst can effect a change in the activity and selectivity of the catalyst.....publications on this subject

Chemical energy storage
Wind and photovoltaic power plants are the most important regenerative energy sources. Depending on weather conditions, these plants provide a surplus of energy that exceeds the demand for a continuously stable supply. Thus, instead of wasting this extra supply it makes sense to store this energy chemically....publications on this subject

Reaction kinetics and reactor modelling
For the design of chemical reactors, the kinetics of the reaction under consideration is essential. Only if the reaction rates are known, reactor modeling can be performed to upscale industrial plants....publications on this subject

Refining technology and petrochemicals
The demand for sulphur free fuels is increasing worldwide due to legislative authority; the low sulphur content allowed by law is based on the environmental hazards caused by sulphur dioxide. In order to keep the supply of such fuels affordable for the end-consumer and to use fossil resources, which are however limited, in an optimal way, it is necessary to improve the hydrodesulphurisation process, as the state of the art operation, and to develop new technical procedures.....publications on this subject

Speciality and fine chemicals
In addition to higher-volume products made in the chemical industry, a wide range of chemicals is produced in small quantities, i.e. fine chemicals. For example, oils and waxes, used for industrial and cosmetic applications, plastic additives, synthetic rubbers, fragrances and aromatic substances for food and cosmetic products and of course pharmaceuticals.....publications on this subject

Carbon nano materials
Carbon nano materials provide very high mechanical stability, good electronic conductibility and high thermal conduction....publications on this subject