Team > Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Thiessen

Faculty of Engineering Science
Chair of Chemical Engineering
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Thiessen has been working at the Chair of Chemical Engineering since November 2008 and as an academic councillor for employment since October 2014.

Faculty of Engineering Science
Chair of Chemical Engineering
Research topics:
- Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
- Carbon-nanomaterials
- Catalysis with C-nanomaterials as catalyst supports

Faculty of Engineering Science
Chair of Chemical Engineering
Unglaub, Carsten; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas
Enhancement of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis by Periodical Draining of the Wax-Filled Pores of a Co ...
in Catalysis Research volume 3 (2023) issue 1
doi:10.21926/cr.2301001 ...
Wen, Ruoxi; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas
Catalytic Behavior and In Situ X-Ray Diffraction of Promoted Iron Catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch ...
in Chemie Ingenieur Technik volume 94 (2022) issue 11. - page 1756-1764
doi:10.1002/cite.202200056 ...
Reul, Andreas; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas; Scholz, Judith; Heykamp, Angela
Co-Feeding of Ethene, Propene, and 1-Butene to Co-Mn-Catalyzed Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
in Chemical Engineering & Technology volume 45 (2022) issue 2. - page 275-282
doi:10.1002/ceat.202100488 ...
Prucker, Tobias; Lamberty, Aliena; Thiessen, Johannes; König, Matthias; Jess, Andreas
Effect of Particle Size and Coke Formation on n-Octane Dehydrogenation
in Chemie Ingenieur Technik volume 94 (2022) issue 11. - page 1711-1719
doi:10.1002/cite.202200054 ...
Prucker, Tobias; Lamberty, Aliena; Thiessen, Johannes; König, Matthias; Jess, Andreas
Kinetics of dehydrogenation of n-octane on a promoted Pt-catalyst
in Chemical Engineering Journal volume 442, Part 2 (2022)
doi:10.1016/j.cej.2022.136233 ...
Duerksen, Alexander; Thiessen, Johannes; Kern, Christoph; Jess, Andreas
Fischer–Tropsch synthesis with periodical draining of a liquid-filled catalyst by hydrogenolysi ...
in Sustainable Energy & Fuels volume 4 (2020) . - page 2055-2064
doi:10.1039/C9SE01269A ...
Schröder, Dominik; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas; Scholz, Judith
Influence of the formation of short-chain olefins by manganese/cobalt-catalyzed Fischer–Tropsch ...
in Catalysis Science & Technology volume 10 (2020) issue 2. - page 475-483
doi:10.1039/C9CY02022E ...
Schröder, Dominik; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas; Scholz, Judith
Fischer-Tropsch Process for the Synthesis of Feedstock Materials for the Fine-Chemical Industry
DGMK Conference "Petrochemistry and Refining in a Changing Raw Materials Landscape", Dresden, Deutschland
Moser, Massimo; Pregger, Thomas; Simon, Sonja; König, Daniel H.; Wörner, Antje; Dietrich, Ralph-Uwe; Köhler, Markus; Oßwald, Patrick; Grohmann, Jasper; Kathrotia, Trupti; Eckel, Georg; Schweitzer, Daniel; Armbrust, Nina; Dieter, Heiko; Scheffknecht, Günter; Kern, Christoph; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas; Aigner, Manfred
Synthetische flüssige Kohlenwasserstoffe aus erneuerbaren Energien – Ergebnisse der Helmholtz E ...
in Chemie Ingenieur Technik volume 89 (2017) issue 3. - page 274-288
doi:10.1002/cite.201500154 ...
Thiessen, Johannes; Rößler, Stefan; Jess, Andreas
Catalyst composition, activity and selectivity evolution of Fe-based catalysts during the forma ...
DGMK Conference "Catalysis - Novel Aspects in Petrochemistry and Refining", Berlin, Deutschland
Glowienka, Kevin; Thiessen, Johannes; Kern, Christoph; Jess, Andreas
Formic acid as flexible CO and H₂ source in synthesis gas production
ESCRE 2015 - European Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering, Fürstenfeldbruck, Deutschland
Heym, Florian; Korth, Wolfgang; Thiessen, Johannes; Kern, Christoph; Jess, Andreas
Evaporation and Decomposition Behavior of Pure and Supported Ionic Liquids under Thermal Stress
in Chemie Ingenieur Technik volume 87 (2015) issue 6. - page 791-802
doi:10.1002/cite.201400139 ...
Thiessen, Johannes
Immobilisation of Carbon Nanotubes and their Use as Support for Cobalt Fischer-Tropsch Synthesi ...
(dissertation, 2014,
Calderone, Vincenzo R.; Shiju, N. Raveendran; Curulla-Ferré, Daniel; Rose, Amadeus; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas; van der Roest, Els; Wiewel, Barbara V.; Rothenberg, Gadi
Applying Topological and Economical Principles in Catalyst Design : New Alumina–Cobalt Core–She ...
in Topics in Catalysis volume 57 (2014) issue 17-20. - page 1419-1424
doi:10.1007/s11244-014-0313-5 ...
Heym, Florian; Kern, Christoph; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas
Pore Volume and Surface Area of Supported Ionic Liquids Systems
Fehrmann, Rasmus (Hrsg.): Supported Ionic Liquids : Fundamentals and Applications
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2014. - page 95-104
doi:10.1002/9783527654789.ch5 ...
Heym, Florian; Kern, Christoph; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas
Transport Phenomena, Evaporation, and Thermal Stability of Supported Ionic Liquids
Fehrmann, Rasmus (Hrsg.): Supported Ionic Liquids : Fundamentals and
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2014. - page 105-144
doi:10.1002/9783527654789.ch6 ...
Rose, Amadeus; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas; Curulla-Ferré, Daniel
Unpromoted and Mn-Promoted Cobalt Catalyst Supported on Carbon Nanotubes for Fischer-Tropsch Sy ...
in Chemical Engineering & Technology volume 37 (2014) issue 4. - page 683-691
doi:10.1002/ceat.201300766 ...
Calderone, Vincenzo R.; Shiju, N. Raveendran; Curulla-Ferré, Daniel; Chambrey, Stéphane; Khodakov, Andrei; Rose, Amadeus; Thiessen, Johannes; Jess, Andreas; Rothenberg, Gadi
De Novo Design of Nanostructured Iron–Cobalt Fischer–Tropsch Catalysts
in Angewandte Chemie International Edition volume 52 (2013) issue 16. - page 4397-4401
doi:10.1002/anie.201209799 ...
Thiessen, Johannes; Rose, Amadeus; Meyer, J.; Jess, Andreas; Curulla-Ferré, Daniel
Effects of manganese and reduction promoters on carbon nanotube supported cobalt catalysts in F ...
in Microporous and Mesoporous Materials volume 164 (2012) . - page 199-206
doi:10.1016/j.micromeso.2012.05.013 ...
Thiessen, Johannes; Rose, Amadeus; Kiendl, I.; Jess, Andreas; Curulla-Ferré, Daniel
Immobilized carbon nanotubes as carrier for Co-Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis catalysts
DGMK Conference "Catalysis - Innovative Applications in Petrochemistry and Refining", Dresden, Deutschland
Thiessen, Johannes; Rose, Amadeus; Jess, Andreas
Nano-Carbon Supported Cobalt as Catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
ECCE 2011 : 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Berlin
Heym, Florian; Thiessen, Johannes; Kern, Christoph; Jess, Andreas
Thermal Stability and Evaporation of Supported Ionic Liquid Phases
4th International Congress on Ionic Liquids (COIL-4), Washington DC
Thiessen, Johannes; Rose, Amadeus; Jess, Andreas; Curulla-Ferré, Daniel
Nano-Kohlenstoff geträgertes Kobalt in der Fischer-Tropsch Synthese
44. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker mit Jahrestreffen Reaktionstechnik, Weimar, Deutschland

Faculty of Engineering Science
Chair of Chemical Engineering
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Thiessen
Academic Councillor
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-7432 | Fax: +49 (0)921 / 55-7435
Room: FAN-A 1.02
TAO-Building, Room 01.01.46, Phone +49 (0)921 / 55-6825